About Us

Hello, everyone and Welcome to JOY Homestead!

My name is Jamie. My husband and I are establishing a homestead on our existing property in the Virginia foothills (Zone 6b/7a). As first generation homesteaders, we learn lessons each and every day. We hope you will join us on this rewarding journey.

We are empty nesters (3 adult children, 2 grandchildren) with full-time jobs outside of the homestead. I am a public high school teacher which gives me time off in the summer months to tend to the garden, work on projects, and preserve the harvest. My husband uses his nights and weekends to build, fix, and help in all aspects of the homestead.

Our property consists of 2 acres: 1 acre contains the house, garage, and gardens; the other acre is a very steep and wooded hill. We are using any and all flat-ish spaces to grow food. We do not have any chickens or livestock at this time. We are still in the beginning stages of the “homestead” life and learn new skills and add more knowledge each year. Our main goal is to grow enough produce to last a year and to shop locally for all other food needs, eliminating our reliance on big box stores and shifting our support to local farms and small businesses.